
Bail hearings are usually overseen by Justices of the Peace. These are people who may or may not have been lawyers, and may or may not even have a law degree. Nonetheless, their judicial powers are... Read More »
The client faced a charge of driving with a blood alcohol concentration of over 80 mgs of alcohol in 100 ml of blood. The Crown sought to prove the case by way of the breath sample results which... Read More »
The history of our judicial system is littered with wrongful convictions of innocent people based on eyewitnesses who got it wrong in identifying the accused person as the perpetrator of the crime... Read More »
Every good criminal defence lawyer knows that a case is won long before trial, through intense preparation and investigation of the evidence in order to figure out the best strategy for victory and... Read More »
For serious criminal charges, the prosecution proceeds by indictment. This means that the potential sentences that the accused person faces are much higher. But the possibility of a much lengthier... Read More »
The client's charge of driving with a blood-alcohol concentration over 0.08 (an offence commonly referred to as "Over 80") was withdrawn after extensive discussion between Tyler MacDonald and the... Read More »
The client faced numerous serious charges stemming from a money dispute with a former spouse. After negotiations with Tyler MacDonald on the day of the client's trial, the Crown dropped all of the... Read More »
A citizen cannot be convicted on the uncorroborated word of a liar. That’s what Tyler MacDonald argued at the conclusion of this trial, and the jury agreed by acquitting the client and her co-... Read More »
The client's life was turned upside-down when it was alleged by his spouse that he threatened to kill her with a firearm. As is often the case when allegations of violence or threats arise between... Read More »
The client was randomly investigated by the O.P.P. while driving his vehicle. The police are actually allowed to investigate people at random in performance of certain duties under the Highway... Read More »
